Sunday, November 2, 2008

Importing Excel - Truncates at 255 characters

When you importing an excel file into database, if you are using OLEDB, the text being read from each cell will be truncated at 255 characters.

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines\Excel\TypeGuessRows was set to 1. You can change it to a larger value and it now work.
  • You might consider using ODBC instead of OLEDB.

Sample code:

Imports System.Data.OleDb

Imports System.Data.Odbc

Module ImportExcel

Sub Main()


End Sub

'Private Function GetData() As OleDbDataReader

' Dim cnAdo As New OleDbConnection()

' Dim cmCommand As New OleDbCommand()

' Try

' cnAdo.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=YES';Data Source=E:\\test.xls;"

' cnAdo.Open()

' cmCommand.Connection = cnAdo

' cmCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]"

' cmCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text

' Return cmCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)

' Catch ex As Exception

' If cnAdo.State = ConnectionState.Open Then

' cnAdo.Close()

' End If

' Throw ex

' End Try

'End Function

'Private Sub DoJob()

' Dim drExcel As OleDbDataReader = GetData()

' Try

' Dim dc As New Enware_eStoreDataContext()

' Dim count As Integer = 0

' While drExcel.Read()

' If drExcel("ProductID") IsNot DBNull.Value Then

' Dim p As eStore_Product = dc.eStore_Products.FirstOrDefault(Function(s As eStore_Product) s.ID = CInt(drExcel("ProductID")))

' If p IsNot Nothing Then

' p.Name = drExcel("Name").ToString()

' p.Description = drExcel("Description").ToString()

' p.Image = drExcel("Image").ToString()

' p.Keyword = drExcel("Keyword").ToString()

' p.GroupCode = drExcel("GroupCode").ToString()

' p.Brochure = drExcel("Brochure").ToString()

' dc.SubmitChanges()

' Else

' Exit While

' End If

' Else

' Exit While

' End If

' count = count + 1

' End While

' Console.WriteLine("finished! - " + count.ToString() + " rows processed!")

' Console.ReadLine()

' Catch ex As Exception

' Console.WriteLine(ex)

' Console.ReadLine()

' Finally

' If drExcel IsNot Nothing Then

' drExcel.Close()

' End If

' End Try

'End Sub

Private Function GetOdbcDataReader() As OdbcDataReader

Dim con As New OdbcConnection()

Dim cmd As New OdbcCommand()


con.ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=E:\\test.xls;"


cmd.Connection = con

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]"

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text

Return cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)

Catch ex As Exception

If con.State = ConnectionState.Open Then


End If

Throw ex

End Try

End Function

Private Sub DoJob1()

Dim drExcel As OdbcDataReader = GetOdbcDataReader()


Dim dc As New Enware_eStoreDataContext()

Dim count As Integer = 0

While drExcel.Read()

If drExcel("ProductID") IsNot DBNull.Value Then

Dim p As eStore_Product = dc.eStore_Products.FirstOrDefault(Function(s As eStore_Product) s.ID = CInt(drExcel("ProductID")))

If p IsNot Nothing Then

p.Name = drExcel("Name").ToString()

p.Description = drExcel("Description").ToString()

p.Image = drExcel("Image").ToString()

p.Keyword = drExcel("Keyword").ToString()

p.GroupCode = drExcel("GroupCode").ToString()

p.Brochure = drExcel("Brochure").ToString()



Exit While

End If


Exit While

End If

count = count + 1

End While

Console.WriteLine("finished! - " + count.ToString() + " rows processed!")


Catch ex As Exception




If drExcel IsNot Nothing Then


End If

End Try

End Sub

End Module


Reading and Writing Excel using OLEDB

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