Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Delegate (5) Callback Methods

using System;

namespace MyCompany


public class Employee


private string firstName;

private string lastName;

private decimal salary;

public Employee(string first, string last, decimal salary)


this.firstName = first;

this.lastName = last;

this.salary = salary;


public string FirstName


get { return firstName; }

set { firstName = value; }


public string LastName


get { return lastName; }

set { lastName = value; }


public decimal Salary


get { return salary; }

set { salary = value; }


public override string ToString()


return String.Format("{0} {1} with a payroll of {2}",

firstName, lastName, salary);



public class Department


private Employee[] emps;

private string name;

public Department(Employee[] theEmps, string name)


emps = theEmps;

this.name = name;


public string Name




return name;



// declaring a nested delegate type that accepts an Employee instance

public delegate void EmployeeCallback(Employee emp);

// This method accepts an EmployeeCallback instance thus

// providing the Callback mechanism

public void ProcessEmployees(EmployeeCallback callback)


foreach (Employee emp in emps)






public class Sys


private static void UpdatePayroll(Employee emp)


emp.Salary *= 1.2m;

Console.WriteLine("The Employee {0} {1}'s salary increased to {2}",

emp.FirstName, emp.LastName, emp.Salary);


public static void Main()


Employee emp1 = new Employee("Marina", "Joe", 7000m);

Employee emp2 = new Employee("Mina", "Nader", 7000m);

Employee emp3 = new Employee("Johny", "Hany", 9000m);

Employee[] emps = new Employee[3];

emps[0] = emp1;

emps[1] = emp2;

emps[2] = emp3;

Department dep = new Department(emps, "IT");

foreach (Employee emp in emps)




Console.WriteLine("nCreating the delegate object");

// creating the delegate instance

Department.EmployeeCallback updateCallback = new Department.EmployeeCallback(UpdatePayroll);

Console.WriteLine("calling the method ProcessEmployees()n");






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