Monday, November 26, 2007

BizTalk Server 2006 (11) Transaction

Using BizTalk Server 2006, multiple tasks can be combined into a unit of work known as a transaction. There are two primary types of transactions supported by BizTalk and they are:

  • Atomic
  • Long-Running


  • A scope is a framework for organizing actions
  • Scopes are primarily used for transactional execution of tasks and exception handling
  • A scope can contain one or more blocks that has a body and can have any number of exception handling blocks

Atomic Transactions:

  • guarantees rollback in the event the transaction process fails
  • Used when ACID properties are required


  • Atomic - the entire transaction will succeed or fail as a whole
  • Consistent - provides a consistent view of the data and always leaves the data in a consistent state
  • Isolated - all transactions appear as though they are running by themselves
  • Durable - once the transaction is committed, the data is recoverable in the event of failure

Long-Running Transactions:

  • Are transactions that need to run for extended periods of time
  • Are used when ACID properties are not required
  • Data is not locked and can be modified
  • Individual steps are committed during the time the transaction is being processed
  • The transaction itself is not committed until the last statement has been completed
  • Within them, they can contain both atomic and other L-R transactions

Professional BizTalk Server 2006

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